Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Its a fact.

yes people , its officially a fact that "Danielle" & "organized/planned" in the same sentence is just impossible. Seriously wei.

I planned to come back to Penang on the 5th and starting from that day theres like a bunch of shit happening -.- No worries. Im still coming back on the 5th. Guess you cant always have things your way. In my case NEVER. Hahahaha ! :D

Which means I BETTER SEE ALL OF YOU ! :) Im so looking forward for this trip :P


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Its 10.33pm. Im laying in bed staring at the fan in my cousins bedroom trying to count how many spins it makes in a second whens its in number 3. Pretty happening shit , but it makes you dizzy LOL. Which is why I decided I'd blog through my phone :D

Ever experienced a need to crap your ass off to somebody but no one around you was interested. Then you'd just get all quiet and emo and shit. No ? Well, I have. Going through one now in fact. Thank god for bloging right ? Hahaha !

Guess what people ?

Ok stop guessing , I'll just tell you. Renovations are finally starting on the damn house. Yay! && now for the not so yay part, while my house undergoes some crazy ass renovations , I'll be staying at my aunts place. Its not bad here :) just that I'll be onlining or whatever you call it through my phone =S gosh.

&& Oh ! Oh ! I know I've been saying that I'll be coming back home to Penang and stuff but yet your awesome Danielle is still typing this post from her cousins bedroom in which will be hers for the mean time till her house
is done , in which is located in KL.
But yeah, Im coming HOME ! I plan on leaving on the 5th :DD

ok this is turning out to be a really long post so I think I better stop typing and hit the sack or go back to trying to count how many times a fan spins in a second when its in number 3. Nahh , I think I better crash since tomorrow is All Soul's Day and I have to be bright eyed & bushy tailed by 4am, so we can go visit everyone in time and come back the same day. God... What a long day tomorrow will be =/ oh well....

Nighty night darlings ! Hugs :D